Sup guys ? WELL THATS GREAT *0*
So , yesterday i was falling sleepy when i give birth to a incredible IDEA , I like it like so much that i'm thinking on doing a HQ with it *-*. I would love to tell you guys about it , but no one cares with here ='( [ crying/being emo].
So , if you guys want to know more about my Idea give a comment here in this post and maybe I end writing other post telling you guys about it. Anyway , i'll be writing in my blog about it too but I'm Brazilian so.... not all of you may understand BUT i can write it in English if peoples start to like it ..... well them.... by now i'll just resume it in some words
"Zombies , Heroes, Guns , Bloody, Sharp things, Chainsaw, more zombies , BIG zombies, altered Zombies, humans, food and... Villains" that's all for now =x